Creativity is the currency of the future.
Posts tagged stress
Creative Rebellion Essays: Stress and the modern age

I drive my daughter to school every morning. It’s convenient as her school is less than half a mile from work. It’s one of the highlights of my day – spending time with her as we drive down winding mountain roads and go south on Pacific Coast Highway. During these times we either listen to music or we discuss what’s going on in school. The other day, as we drove home from school (Friday afternoons I pick her up), we didn’t listen to music but we discussed the Saugus High School shooting in Santa Clarita that happened on November 14th. My daughter is 16 years old and the victims, and the shooter, were all around that age. It struck close to home, to say the least. She told me, “Daddy you have no idea what it’s like to have to worry that some kid could just come in with a gun and start to shoot kids in the school. I shouldn’t have to worry about this.”

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